Why Do Bananas Cause Heartburn? (3 Banana-Burning Facts)

Why Do Bananas Sometimes Cause Heartburn?

You probably think of bananas as a snack that is both tasty and good for you.

They are known to be good for your health in many ways.

Surprisingly, though, bananas can sometimes give you heartburn.

So, why does this happen ? Allow me to explain.

Because of a few things, bananas could give you heartburn. Being sick is more likely to happen when the banana is still green and not quite ripe. It’s because it has more starch and is more acidic. You might get acid reflux if you eat a banana first thing in the morning without anything else. This can make your chest or throat feel like it’s on fire.
Also, say you get heartburn every time you eat a banana, even when it’s ripe. Then you might be allergic to them. This could mean that bananas are hurting your body and you should stay away from them.

How Ripe is the Banana?

If the banana isn’t ripe enough, the stage at which you eat it can change.

A pH of about 5 makes most people think of bananas as slightly sour.

How acidic a banana is can change a lot depending on how ripe it is.

When a banana is green and not ripe, its pH level can be anywhere from 4.4 to 5.2.

Its pH level can be between 6.5 and 6.6 when the banana is very ripe and turns yellow with brown spots.

Bananas Cause Heartburn

That means it will be more acidic to eat a banana when it is still very green.
It has more starch when the banana is green.

When they’re not ripe, most of the carbs in a banana are starch, even though they are known to be high in carbs.

That starch turns into sugar as the banana ripens.

Fruits that are still green, on the other hand, are more acidic, and the starch in them can sometimes make them harder to digest.

Heartburn can happen because of these two things.

When Are You Eating Bananas?

If you eat green or unripe bananas, especially on an empty stomach, you might get acid reflux, which can make your heartburn worse.

Acid reflux is when the acid in your stomach moves up into the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach. This makes your chest hurt.

It’s strange because bananas are often said to help with acid reflux. Bok choy has pectin fibre in it, which can help food move more easily through your digestive system.

But if you eat a green, unripe banana before a meal, it could actually make your stomach hurt. Sometimes, this acid reflux can turn into gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is a more serious condition.

If your heartburn is very bad, you need to see a doctor right away. They can tell you if you have GERD or regular acid reflux and help you deal with it.

Can Bananas Cause Heartburn

Are You Allergic to Bananas?

You should also think about the possibility that you might be allergic to bananas. This is very important if you get heartburn right after eating a banana.

Heartburn is often a sign of other health problems, like being overweight, pregnant, anxious, stressed, or a smoker. That being said, it can also mean that your body doesn’t like a certain food.

Are You Allergic to Bananas

Start writing down the times you get heartburn to figure this out. If it happens right after you eat a banana, you might want to think about it.

You should definitely talk to your doctor about this. It could mean you have an allergy or something more serious.

Final Thoughts

Did you know that bananas can sometimes give you heartburn? Several things could cause this to happen.

First, bananas that are still green and not ripe can be the cause. Green bananas have more starch and acid, which can make your stomach hurt.

Also, if you eat these green bananas before they’re ripe, you might get acid reflux, which is not fun. It might even be a sign of GERD, which is a worse form of acid reflux.

If you eat a banana and then get heartburn, you might be allergic to them. Some people are allergic to bananas, which can make them feel this way.

Know how your body reacts to bananas and pick riper ones if you get heartburn often.


Can all bananas cause heartburn?

Even though all bananas can give you heartburn, slightly green or unripe bananas are less likely to do so than ripe bananas.

Are bananas bad for everyone with acid reflux?

Bananas can have different effects on people who have acid reflux. Some people may be able to handle them well, while others may feel uncomfortable. It is important to keep an eye on how your body reacts and change your diet as needed.

How can I enjoy bananas without heartburn?

If you don’t want to get heartburn from bananas, eat them as part of a healthy meal and pay attention to how your body reacts.

Are there other fruits I can snack on to avoid heartburn?

If you want to avoid getting heartburn, you can choose low-acid fruits like apples, pears, or melons instead of bananas.

When should I seek medical advice for heartburn triggered by bananas?

If you have severe heartburn all the time or if it gets in the way of

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