How Long Does it Take For Red Bananas to Ripen? (Solved!)

Want to know how long does it take for red bananas to ripen?

There are different shades of bananas, and red ones are very interesting.

I was interested in them, and it was hard to figure out when red bananas become ripe.

Not to worry, though; I learned what signs to look out for as the fruit ripens.

I’m going to talk about how long red bananas usually take to ripen and give you some tips on how to tell when they’re ready to eat.

It takes red bananas about two to three days to get ripe. One good thing about bananas is that red ones tend to stay fresh longer than yellow ones. If you leave them out at room temperature, they will last between two and ten days. It’s not always true, though, that red bananas don’t ripen when you think they will. Stores and supermarkets often have to take red bananas off the shelves because they aren’t ripe enough. If you don’t ripen a red banana, it will stay hard and turn black.

How Can I Tell When a Red Banana is Ripe?

To start, it’s important to understand a few important things.

Bananas that are red don’t ripen the same way that bananas that are yellow do.

Also, different people have different ideas about what a ripe banana tastes like, whether it’s red, yellow, or any other colour.

Different people like different kinds of bananas. Some like them soft with black spots on the skin, while others like them a little firmer with a touch of green.

So, what one person thinks is ripe might not be what another person wants.

So, here are some signs that your red bananas are ready to eat.

Red Bananas to Ripen

When red bananas are first brought to the store, they usually look green, just like yellow bananas do.

The red banana will lose its green colour as it ripens, just like the yellow banana.

Once a red banana is ready, it will turn a different colour. Anyhow, the colour could be different based on the red banana you bought.

As bananas ripen, I’ve noticed that most of the time, they turn purple or a little lighter red. But some say they turn a little orange when they are ready to eat.

In any case, red bananas turning yellow is a normal part of the ripening process.

You might also see some yellow on your red bananas, mostly near the ends.

Last but not least, red bananas will get a little darker, but you won’t see the black spots that you usually see on yellow bananas.

In fact, this darkening looks more like the marks that you see on yellow bananas.

How Do You Ripen Red Bananas Quickly?

Did you know that red bananas can ripen faster? This is also true for different coloured bananas and yellow bananas.

No matter what colour they are, bananas give off a gas called ethylene.

This gas is very important for the process of ripening. If ethylene flows through a banana, it means the banana is ready to be ripe.

Red Bananas to Ripen

Ethanol gas helps bananas ripen even when they are still attached to the plant.

Because of this, you can use ethylene gas to help your red bananas ripen faster.

Put your bananas in a brown bag and loosely close it. This is the easiest way to do it. Ethanol gas is trapped inside, which makes all the bananas ripen faster.

Put the bag somewhere warm to make the process go even faster. Check the bag every so often until the red bananas are as ripe as you like them.

How long it takes depends on how ripe the bananas are. It could take anywhere from 12 hours to two days.

You can also smell and touch the bananas to tell if they are ready. As red bananas ripen, they get soft and smell sweet.

Another tip: put apples, pears, avocados, or any other fruits you have in the bag with the red bananas.

These fruits make ethylene as well, which makes your bananas ripen even faster. So, you can use more than one fruit at once to make it ripen faster.

Final Thoughts

It takes red bananas about two to three days to get ripe.

But they don’t always ripen right and turn black, which happens a lot in stores.

You can speed up the process if your red bananas aren’t ripening quickly.

They will ripen faster because they give off ethylene gas when you put them in a brown paper bag.

And although you might see the red version of the fruit as a bit odd, what makes bananas yellow anyway?


Are red bananas as healthy as yellow bananas?

Yes, red bananas are just as healthy as yellow bananas because they are full of important vitamins, minerals, and fibre.

Can I eat red bananas if they have green tips?

Even if the tips of a red banana are green, it is still nice and ripe to eat. Each person has their own preferences when it comes to how ripe they should be before they are eaten.

How can I speed up the ripening of red bananas?

Stick red bananas in a paper bag with apples or bananas, which make ethylene. This will make the bananas ripen faster.

What can I do with overripe red bananas?

Red bananas that are too ripe are great for baking. You can put them in pancake, banana bread, or muffin recipes.

Can I freeze red bananas?

Yes, you can peel and slice red bananas and freeze them. Add them to smoothies and desserts for a great taste.

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